But even with all the crazy going on this week (like my yard sale only having FIVE people show up in the 93 degree heat) I still thought it was important to see the little things that made this time special. Cause after all, I only have one more week to enjoy Oregon before I'm onto a whole new adventure.
So here's my list for the week:
This cute face started preschool this week and did great! I cannot believe I've been her nanny since she was 3 months old and now she's going to school 3 full days a week! AND I only have one more morning with her before I move. I've been crying about this all week.
Gosh I just love her to bits. And will miss that funny sweet little girl SO MUCH.
Also went to the zoo with my other little this last week and we got to see the best thing!
Yes elephants are by FAR my favorite animal and this guy totally dove into the water to take a little bath. It was AMAZING to see him dive under the water and come back out with a trunk full that he would then squirt all over himself. Made my day.
I taught myself to embroider this week! I love the way these onesies are turning out and hopefully soon I'll have them listed in the SHOP. Until then you can still shop and 25% of each sale is going toward The Shine Project's Change 4 Change.
And my final little thing: Knowing that in just 6 days, despite all the mess in my apt, all that I have to get done, and all that hasn't gone well....I will be seeing my man and starting a new journey together. It's really the most exciting thing and it's worth everything to me. I can't wait.
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