Reading: Been lacking in this area lately. If I do make some time to read it's usually blogs online because I LOVE checking in on my friends and seeing how their lives are going. But if you'd like to see what's next on my "real" book list: check me out on Goodreads. If you aren't using this app/website yet; then get to it! I highly recommend it for keeping up with what you want to read, have read and what your friends are reading.
Eating: Well due to part #2 of my dental horror story ($10,000 worth of dentistry to fix my crazy bad soft teeth) I am not able to eat normally at the moment (for the past two weeks to be exact). So it's been a test of creativity to see how many ways you can make pasta, mashed potatoes, soup, and all things soft. I thought I'd love an all pasta diet but I actually LOVE veggies so it's been a challenge since I can't chew ANYTHING. I'm craving a cheeseburger so bad.
Thinking about: How entirely lucky I am to have what I have. Seriously. I'm still primarily a pretty cranky person but the past week or so I've just taken extra energy to notice all the little things I have to be grateful for everyday. My man is the kindest soul I've ever known and he's ALWAYS there for me; ABOVE and BEYOND in any situation. I have a job that appreciates me and allows me the space to also write and work on my personal goals. I just feel so much more in control when I have time in the day to write, relax and CLEAN my house. :)
Listening: A couple weeks ago we got tickets to a free concert that was happening here in Los Angeles. The band, Fitz and the Tantrums was filming the show for a series on PBS called "Artists Den". It was such an incredible venue (a converted church), such a great energetic band and the songs have been playing in my head over and over since. LOVE live music; especially in small venues.
Watching: LOVING Suits. It's been awhile since there's been a really good courtroom/lawyer drama and with those two cute can you really resist? As usual, also watching RHOBH, HIMYM, Under the Gunn and Teen Mom 2. Yep. #guilty
Loving: all of you who take the time to read my posts, to leave comments, tweets, messages, emails, etc. I appreciate all of you so much and you make this blog such a fun place to share things that I love. I can't thank you enough because it's such an important connection for me.
p.s. If you are Hayley or Megan you've WON a new pair of glasses from Firmoo. I'll be emailing you your prize soon! Thanks all for entering!
So, how about you? What are you up to today? Feel free to do your own "currently" post on your blog and link back in the comments for everyone to check out. And thanks again to my dear friends Danielle & Illy for providing the original inspiration for these posts.
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